The user typed a string into the path gadget, so we got to go and get the
path, bother.
2 if pos(right(namestr,1),'/:') = 0 then
3 namestr = namestr'/'
4 if left(namestr,length(arcfile)) = arcfile then do
5 if namestr = arcfile'/'arcsubdir then
6 call delete('T:ArcDir.list'handle)
7 else
8 arcsubdir = substr(namestr,length(arcfile) + 2)
9 call arclist
10 end
11 else do
12 cuthere = pos('.LHA/',upper(namestr))
13 if cuthere = 0 then
14 cuthere = pos('.LZH/',upper(namestr))
15 if cuthere > 0 then
16 arctype = 'LHA'
17 else do
18 cuthere = pos('.LZX/',upper(namestr))
19 if cuthere > 0 then
20 arctype = 'LZX'
21 end
22 if cuthere > 0 then do
23 call delete('T:ArcDir.list'handle)
24 arcfile = left(namestr,cuthere + 3)
25 arcsubdir = substr(namestr,cuthere + 5)
26 call arclist
27 end
28 else do
29 lister read handle '"'namestr'"' force
30 end
31 end
32 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 - 3 Check to see if the rightmost character of the path is a ':' or a
'/', if it wasn't then add a '/'.
4 We check to see if the leftmost part of the path matches our current
archive name.
5 - 6 The path equalled our current path, so we do the equivalent of a
ReRead. Delete the current archive contents list...
7 - 8 Otherwise we set our current archive sub-directory to what was typed
9 - 10 and call arclist to generate a lister display.
11 - 21 These lines are checking to see if the path typed in was actually
another archive name and setting cuthere to greater than 0
if it was.
22 - 27 If the path was another archive we delete the current archive
contents list, set arcfile to the name of the archive, set arcsubdir
to the sub-directory in the archive and call arclist to set up the
lister display for the new archive.
28 - 30 It wasn't a path in the current archive, it wasn't a new archive, it
must be a real path - so we read it into the lister, this will kill
our handler and it will now be a normal lister.
31 End of 'if left(namestr...'.
32 Return to where we came from.